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Gaelscoil an tSeanchai, Magherafelt

Cóineartú ag R7

27th May 2022

Bhí lá galánta ag páistí R7, nuair a chuaigh siad faoi Lámh an Easpaig. Tá an scoil iontach bródúil as achan duine acu. D’oibrigh siad go crua le hullmhú go maith don sacraimint a ghlacadh. Ba mhaith leis an scoil buíochas a ghabhail leis an Athair De Geata, na tuistí agus na cairde chríost a chuidigh go mór leis an lá speisialta seo a bheith againne.   

The Rang 7 pupils had a wonderful day receiving the sacrament of Confirmation. The Gaelscoil is very proud of each and every one of them for the way they prepared so well for the sacrament. The Gaelscoil would like to thank Fr Gates, the parents and the sponsors that all helped to make this a very special day.